Predictive Analytics
Find patterns in data for future insights.

Exploratory Data
Explore cleaned data to gain insights

Data Cleaning and Processing
Clean and process data into the correct format and file form.

Artistic Data Visualization
Visualise data with infographc, custom graphs, PowerPoints, and more.

World-Building Art
Make your world come to life with maps, books, and more.

Concept Art
Explore ideas visually with concept art.

Art Commissions
Get custom illustrations, backgrounds, character art, or graphics.

Art and creation
My “artistic journey” began with Photoshop and the classic pen and paper (Just don't tell my teachers), but Krita became a favourite companion as its free…tho I payed for it :|
Over a broad ten-year span, dark fantasy and TTRPG art became a consistent focus, and with TTRPGs there is always character designs. Don't expect rigid focus though; my curiosity and want to test things has led to me testing things, and its just now in the last few years I started to have some amount of focus, but that's part of the adventure.
But contact me if you want to work on something!
Data Science
Python, R, C#, Dart, HTML, CSS, JS
Five years in programming started with games and applications as so many others with use of gamemaker studio, Unity, and Flutter in more modern time.
And I am not sure one can program without having touched web development? But I have had my “fun” with CSS, HTML and JS.
But as I love the fictional “AI” the “Mr. Data”, I have a simple interest in Statistics, data, patterns, and machine learning. I had to do a deep dive into Data Science with Python and R.
So my portfolio focuses on projects and experiments around that.
Feel free to examine my code; I have no idea on how it even works, as the joke says “when I wrote the code only me and god knew how my code worked, Now only god knows." honestly I am pretty sure I never knew.
So step in, and feel free to explore and clean my code.
And if you want to talk, you know how to contact me.

Creative Portfolio
Welcome To My Creative Hub
Ten-ish years in digital art, and half that in programming—primarily Data Science. My art leans toward dark fantasy, with a love for TTRPGs, dark fantasy and the… whatever I want, really.
Might be obvious but I have dipped both my brush and “keyboard?” in various styles, softwares, and generally just let my curiosity carry me. It's a mixed exploration, but it works I hope? Hopefully...
Feel free to explore; my portfolio is organised, in a manner of speaking. It's not the worst I have seen.
And Contact me if you are interested.
For a decade now, I've been navigating the intricate landscapes of digital art. I've become fluent in the language of tools like
Krita and Inkscape, and often delve into blender for animation projects.
My focus and passion lie in character design and dark fantasy
illustrations - crafting entities and realms that resonate with viewers, evoking curiosity.
Art and creation

For a decade now, I've been navigating the intricate landscapes of digital art. I've become fluent in the language of tools like
Krita and Inkscape, and often delve into blender for animation projects.
My focus and passion lie in character design and dark fantasy
illustrations - crafting entities and realms that resonate with viewers, evoking curiosity.
Art and creation
Data Science
Python, R, C#, Dart, HTML, CSS, JS
Five years in programming started with games and applications as so many others with use of gamemaker studio, Unity, and Flutter in more modern time.
And I am not sure one can program without having touched web development? But I have had my “fun” with CSS, HTML and JS.
But as I love the fictional “AI” the “Mr. Data”, I have a simple interest in Statistics, data, patterns, and machine learning. I had to do a deep dive into Data Science with Python and R.
So my portfolio focuses on projects and experiments around that.
Feel free to examine my code; I have no idea on how it even works, as the joke says “when I wrote the code only me and god knew how my code worked, Now only god knows." honestly I am pretty sure I never knew.
So step in, and feel free to explore and clean my code.
And if you want to talk, you know how to contact me.